daylight savings time can bite me


YuletideSo here we are again. Spring forwarding. During fall backwarding last year, I lamented that everything in my house automatically changes when the time does, so I had no idea if it had actually happened or not. Tree falls when nobody is around kind of thing, that. In the ensuing months, I purchased a new clock for my nightstand with a handy dandy “put your cell phone in this little slot” recharging area. So when I woke up, I pried open one eyelid to glance at the little blue numbers and believed what they told me.

They were wrong.

I’ll never get this right.


research rocks : )


YuletideI have recently had the great good fortune to share space in a Regency Christmas anthology called 3 Yuletide Wishes with Charlotte Russell and Alanna Lucas, who are not only wonderful writers, but just damn good people, too.

One of the beautiful things about this majorly interconnected world is that just when I thought I’d researched the bloody heck out of Regency period, just when I thought I’d wrung all the knows there were to know of that particular slice of history, someone goes and learns me sumpin’ new.

That someone, in this case, is Charlotte Russell.

Charlotte has written an amazing article called The Finger Alphabet on Madame Gilflurt’s blog about the history of educating the deaf in England. I highly recommend hopping on over there and checking it out, whether you’re a reader of historical romance, a writer who adores excellently researched tidbits, or someone who might have an interest in the subject matter. Did you know, for instance, that American and English sign languages have entirely different alphabets? I did not.

Thanks, Charlotte : )

Susana’s Parlour


YuletideSusana Ellis was kind enough to host me, Alanna Lucas and Charlotte Russell on her blog today. We answered a couple questions, too. Pop over and have a look : )

Susana’s Parlour

While you’re there, take a stroll around. She has all kinds of fabulous information about Regency life and tons of great author interviews.